For my purposes disabling Zero Controllers is the lesser of two weevils. Brush Drum Kit Garritan In playlist: GARRITAN JAZZ AND BIG BAND 10 years ago 17.1K 5 Garritan 1,094 191 Report Follow Garritan and others on SoundCloud. I have made a number of requests over the years for the Bakers to allow selective zeroing of controllers because I most often need to have sustain zeroed but want controllers that affect timbre and volume left alone. I add initial values for Mod and Expression when using Garritan, also, but that doesn't address the problem of synths being silenced when editing/rehearsing with playback stopped. It is better to know that Aria player responds to CC1 for volume and just make sure to record that along with your midi. That's actually not very good advice because then pitch wheel events don't get reset to zero either, causing tuning problems. JABB appears in sound mapping and also in device list in Score Manager. Garritan instruments use Modulation (CC1) to control volume so zeroing controllers will silence the synth every time you stop playback so won't hear anything when when editing or rehearsing. Operating System: Windows Garritan Jazz and Big Band 3 No Sound, Not Playing by Billy May Mon 3:04 am Hello, I have set up a new Windows 10 PC and installed Finale 2012c on it. The main thing you need to do when using Garritan synths under SONAR is to disable Zero Controllers When Play Stops in MIDI preferences.